Walter Halls is an OPAL school.
In September 2024, we launched our new uniform policy which we promoted back in the summer term of the previous academic year. A summary of our uniform expectations is shown below and we expect all children to be in uniform.
Branded versions, containing the school logo, of the school polo shirts, jumpers, cardigans and jogging bottoms can be ordered via the school office . You may choose to buy plain versions of the OPAL uniform items from local supermarkets who offer a selection of school wear. Plain versions must be smart, the same type (e.g. a sweatshirt not a jumper). You can also order a school logo / branded fleece or waterproof coat from the school office.
Book bags are also available, priced at £4.75 for the traditional style with a small handle, or £7.75 for the satchel style bag.
Card payments only.
Please put your child's name on all clothing using a marker pen or labels.
If you need assistance with where to buy these items or being able to afford any of our correct school uniform, we are here to do all we can to help you. Please call our school office on 0115 9150045 and discuss this with our office team or, if you would like some help in sourcing some uniform items for free via the charities mentioned in our uniform policy, then please ask for our family support team to call you back and discuss your needs.